artist: green indian push ups

artist: green indian push ups
self portrait

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

GIVE ME>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Good morning....
what we have in mind is breakfast in bed for...tribal security.

There is rumblings on the horizon. There may be freedoms ring tramppled under foot of tribal interest. They corner for where curry used to write may be demolished. There is rumblings underfoot that the new faces of Tribal Council may be killing curry corner. The issue that "its not fair that Marty gets an opinion column and I have to pay $500.00 to express my opinion."
My response to that issuee...."YOUR DAMN RIGHT". In my tenure as journalist and former Tribal Observer staff member; the discussions that needed to happen had to happen behind closed doors. I remember many a staff meeeting where the line had to be drawn regarding "what was fit to print and what was not." This was happening in during political transition and the Observer was trying to finally open up in terms of letting it be a sounding board of the community. The issue of having to pay for political speech is criminal and the tribe is not benfiting from the disucssions that COULD BE HAPPENING. The notion that the Tribal Council would squash the only opinion column is hilarious. It kicks the dead dog of freedom that used to run the rez like a ravenous spirit, devouring fear...and now you have to pay 500 bones to raise the spirit.
But there is more. Lets not forget that Councilwoman Benz also used to write for the TRibal Observer. It was only after her refusal to accept editorial standards for her great pieces from WIKI that she stopped writing. She was under contract and never renewed...and now? How will she vote? If she votes to demolish the Curry Corner, she is a hypocrit for wanting freedom of press when it benefited her and against Freedom of the Press when it stands to hurt her. Michelle Stanley's big beef is that she wants to railroad the paper to hold her seat against Frank Cloutier who is the better fit for the needs of At Large. Fred uses the paper to launch a bible campaign to appeal to the Christian Coalition there by securing the Next Election. It is what is is....but it is not free.
If someone has a beef about the right and time to express opinion Tribal Members should not have to pay. No one should. We get so mad about the Morning Sun airing out dirty laundry and yet we are not willing to take the steps to secure out freedom of press...or of speech. This is indicative of larger problems. mi'iw.

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